
To Convert or Not Convert

Since most of my dear readers are also bloggers, I have to come to you for expert advice.

Is "new" blogger really better than "old" blogger? Is it worth the conversion? I know in the beginning that the comments were all fucked up and sometimes it outed your real personality and all of a sudden there are my comments with my real name and holy shit now you're all going to find out where I live!!

But it's better now, right?

I'll wait to read everyone's comments before deciding. I want specifics too. Don't just post "beta blows." Because, duh. But beta is over. I want to know the real deal.


David N. Scott said...

I found it being connected to my gmail to be very cumbersome, personally, especially since I have multiple blogger IDs. Other than that, I can't get Pererro on it anyway cos we have too many posts. Commies.

Anonymous said...

I don't like it being connected to my Gmail account, either. I don't particularly see the utility of it. Especially when I comment on everyone's blog from work. I just use the "Other" button and you can still see it was me, Roonie, and my blog. Well, in the new version, it doesn't matter - you are only allowed your name or to be registered. Does that make sense? It means less trackables for unregistered commenters, essentially. And I find that annoying.

I'm not switching. It does suck. I'm staying where I am.

The littlest Princess said...

I say that you need to stay where you are until they force us all to switch. DON'T go to the darkside Please.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

There is no specificity to that argument, LP.

Anonymous said...

i don't like the whole preview popup thing that's suddenly taken over the blog sites. i'm just glad mine doesn't have that yet. i *swear* i chose to turn it off but it still keeps popping up....

neil said...

I'm holding out too...don't really have a good reason other than 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'...and as someone who's only been blogging for 4 months, it serves me just fine...plus I don't have a g-mail account and hate having to 'sign up' for things just to get an upgrade. I'm sticking with 'old' until I have no choice.

Anonymous said...

it sucks. period. that should be reason enough not to convert. i went for the gusto and got burned. this whole thing about linking to your gmail account is garbage. it takes more time to post, more time to post comments, and more time still to retrieve anything. and that damn pop-up-take-you-straight-to-the-dashboard thing is downright maddening.

i hope this comment posts.

Anonymous said...

i have to say i have had LESS problems with beta, but i'm not using Gmail. Photos post now when before I sometimes had to try different browsers to get pics up.

DrinkJack said...

Or you could jump ship and get your own URL. I am with LivingDot and they have treated me right. Setup all of the hard stuff.