
The Plan

Last week the Princess turned me on to this. While I think people who elect to eat out of dumpsters are nuts, the idea of living a nearly consumption-free lifestyle has its appeal.

First off, it would certainly go a long way towards helping with that whole debt resolution I made. And I've already decided I'm not buying any new clothes until I absolutely have to (quick aside, I went exactly 3 months, 2 weeks, and 1 day without repeating an outfit. It finally happened last Tuesday...so ridiculous that I could even pull that off). So except for some absolute essentials, this shouldn't be too difficult. I figure the real point is to divest yourself of the unnecessary material things so you can appreciate the more intangible things. Like good company.

(It's wonderful how idealistic one can be at the beginning of a journey. Check back with me in May to see how long I can pull this off...)

The following list is what I am allowed to spend money on:

  • Food
  • Hygiene products
  • Photography supplies (but not new equipment)
  • Batteries for cameras, remote controls, etc
  • Running paraphernalia (I'll need new shoes before the LB marathon)
  • Monthly brunches with the girls
  • Car maintenance, including gas
  • Bikini waxes
  • Manicures/pedicures (but only for special events)
  • Necessary repairs

I'm also allowed one movie every three months and we've made spending exceptions for birthdays. Because we can't NOT celebrate our birthdays! But this means no new cellphone like I'd planned (not like I need one, I just want a Treo), no more impulse buys, and seriously little socializing.



Anonymous said...

then you will be happy to know that the KD went to a market today and did not find any wallets, he did find me a purse though.

I just love the fact that I have my hubby shopping for purses for me--and on a side note- how the fuck did I become a purse freak all of the sudden???

Roonie said...

I will take a cue from your exercise in frugality and do the same myself.

Except I still wanna hang out. Can we hang out and spend no money?

Are you gonna really do this for an entire year?

Anonymous said...

Hmm. Maybe this might be a good idea.

The littlest Princess said...

I'll have to say that this is going to be an interesting time. Especially when I went into Circuit city last night and did everything I could not to buy a satelite radio just to keep myself from having to listen to the horrid noise that KROQ has become. So I did good :) I wonder if we can really pull this off. So here's the deal, the first one to cave, has to take the other to lunch/dinner or for drinks.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

KM: I had given myself the out because I requested the wallet prior to committing to The Plan. See how convenient that is?

As for your purse fetish, it's better than a foot fetish. ;)

Roonie: I think the point is to concentrate on ways to enjoy the company of other people without having to focus so much on the money aspect. Like the fact that there is a free hike in Griffith Park tomorrow night. Get some good exercise, meet new people, spend no money. You'll see a lot more of that on my calendar than nights at the local bar.

And like I said, I'm going to hold out until May and then reassess.

Princess: Given my financial situation, I don't have a choice about this, so I don't plan on caving.

The littlest Princess said...

Okay I guess I made this into more of a competition than a lifestyle change so I Withdraw my last remark, and would like to state, that this should be interesting, but I hope that we can both stick to this for as long as possible. It will be fun and challenging to come up with new ways to hang out and have fun besides the social bar trips, Sunday Coffee dates, and the ever wonderful dinner dates. I'm sure I'll pick up my Blanket project,again, and get back to a few other things I had going on. This will be interesting.

Anonymous said...

Where's the allocated funds for drugs and alcohol. Sheesh! It can't be done.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

It's cleverly categorized under "food."

DrinkJack said...

I am such a frugal person when it comes to buying stuff for myself, I could probably pull this off. But I won't :) I will pull for you, though. Drinks on me if you hitch to KC.

Anonymous said...

I'd just like to mention that my resolve lasted less than an hour, and I bought a new purse on the way to work. Shall I start tomorrow? *grin*

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Jack, you really know how to sweet-talk a girl, don't you?

Sandra, you can restart every day if it suits you!