
In the Age of Virginity

This blogger is having a crisis of creativity brought on by lack of sleep. Because who needs sleep when there's a Taco Tuesday Rockstar Birthday Celebration?? Not me!

Well, yeah me if I'm going to produce anything of worth on Wednesday. Oh well. You get shlock instead.

Below is my how old I was when I popped my cherry. Various times over.

1. Fell in love?
Each time it ends, I wonder if it was real.

2. Lost someone close to you
My two best friends when we were 23, out of a combination of miscommunication and immaturity. But they're back now, and responsible for keeping me sane. And kicking off the International Makeout with GPG holiday celebrations (tm The Boy).

3. Drank alcohol?
There was tequila in my breast milk, I'm sure.

4. Got kissed?
7th grade, behind the gym, at a school dance. I wonder if he remembers too.

5. Went to the hospital?
I was born in one.

6. Got your heart broken?
25, when my favorite person told me he was leaving. My heart literally broke. I'm still finding pieces of it in my shoes. And missing him terribly. Especially when he calls me on Saturday mornings to try out his Spanish.

7. Lost a pet?
3 years old. My German shepherd was run over by a car. Asshole driver.

8. Got arrested?
Still a virgin there! (Haha, and you thought I didn't have any firsts left.)

9. Got in a (real) fight?
Does fighting with siblings count? Because I still have gnarly scars from our fights when I was 10.

10. Broken a bone?
Also virgin territory, though with my clumsiness, that's kind of a miracle.

11. Got a job?
16, worked at Miller's Outpost and spent all my money on clothes.

12. Got cheated on?
17, and somehow still friends with the guy...go figure.

13. Went to a concert?
10, New Kids on the Block. (Shut up.)

14. Got your own cell phone?
19, and it weighed, like, 3 pounds.

15. Had 1st boy/girl friend?
13, and he wrote me one of those "will you go out with me?" notes. So cute.

16. Snuck out of the house?
I never did.

17. Got something pierced other than your ears?
Tongue when I was 22.

19. Got caught having sex?
18, by the police. In a park. The night before I left for college.

20. Snuck someone in your house?
17, and he definitely still remembers that, the pervert.

21. How old are you now?
Old enough to know better and still not care.

Tag you're all it.


LB said...

1. Fell in love?
June 25th of 2006....I fell in love with his sarcasm first...then I fell in love with him.

2. Lost someone close to you
I lose a friend almost every year...but the person that was most close to me was when my only cousin who was the same age as me was killed in a motorcycle accident in Sept of 2005.

3. Drank alcohol?
There was tequila in my breast milk, I'm sure.(I think there was a mixture of alcohol in my breast milk...irish and spanish mix...nice)

4. Got kissed?
kindergarten...behind the "Pickles" book. By Andrew Huycke.

5. Went to the hospital?
I'm always in the hospital....first one that I remember was when I was 3...they thought I had adolescenct arthritis.

6. Got your heart broken?
In LAX when I was 19...I wasn't in love with him, but seeing him standing at the bottom of the escalator while I rode it to my gate...broke my little heart.

7. Lost a pet?
6 years old...my kitten Missy...my dad ran her over while I was in the car...on the way to church. I still hold it against him.

8. Got arrested?
Virgin on this one.

9. Got in a (real) fight?
I broke a kids nose in grade school...and another kids nose in high school and endless girls bones on the soccer field...

10. Broken a bone?
Virgin here...although I am aslo very clumsy...

11. Got a job?
15 at a tannin salon for a pervert.

12. Got cheated on?
3rd grade...Damn you Tyler.

13. Went to a concert?
7....Benny Hester on my Bday...

14. Got your own cell phone?
18...it was one of those HUGE nokias....YUCK.

15. Had 1st boy/girl friend?
3rd grade...but he cheated on me!

16. Snuck out of the house?
22...yes, I lived at home for a stint...and I snuck out to meet my brother at the bar for St. Patty's day...

17. Got something pierced other than your ears?
July 31st 2004....belly button...the day I was supposed to marry the man I never loved but agreed to marry...

19. Got caught having sex?
18 by his mother....

20. Snuck someone in your house?
22...after the St. Pattys day thing...I snuck my boyfriend into the house...almost got caught!

21. How old are you now?
old enough to recognize my mistakes...but young enough to learn from them.

(this was fun!)

Anonymous said...

Oh goody. Now I have something to do this afternoon (something I want to do, that is):

1. Fell in love?
I have no idea if it's ever been "love," in hindsight.

2. Lost someone close to you
Close? My dog, Haley. December 2004.

3. Drank alcohol?
Shannon Smith's house my junior year in high school. They were frozen daiquiris and I didn't feel anything. Oh, the trouble that would ensue...

4. Got kissed?
Stolen on the way to the cubbies in kindergarten by Eiad. I wasn't too thrilled about his technique.

5. Went to the hospital?
I was born in one, silly.

6. Got your heart broken?
First time? Well, when I crush on men, I crush on them big time. So I get my heart broken almost all the time. It's nothing serious; I bounce back.

7. Lost a pet?
Well, Goldielocks the Goldfish didn't make it much past kindergarten graduation. RIP Goldielocks.

8. Got arrested?

9. Got in a (real) fight?
Nah, I'm mostly passive-aggressive, but I make people want to hit me. A girl slapped me on the back of the head once. She got Saturday School and cottage cheese thighs. I win!

10. Broken a bone?
Nope (knock on wood).

11. Got a job?
I was a Sandwich Artist at Subway at 15.

12. Got cheated on?
I don't remember it really mattering until senior year in high school, when the boy I thought I was going to marry got sucked off by just about every girl with blonde or fake blonde hair. But now he's an industrial painter in our hometown. I win!

13. Went to a concert?

14. Got your own cell phone?
18 or 19, when I was a sophomore in college.

15. Had 1st boy/girl friend?
4th grade, baby. He dumped me for someone he THOUGHT was cooler. She totally wasn't and still isn't.

16. Snuck out of the house?
Sophomore year in high school, we lived in a basement apartment and so it was too damn easy for me to resist.

17. Got something pierced other than your ears?
2002, my nose!

19. Got caught having sex?
I think freshman year in college, by my roommate.

20. Snuck someone in your house?
Also sophomore year, with that basement window trick again.

21. How old are you now?
27. And not a day over 19.

Anonymous said...

1. Fell in love?
The first time I picked up a trumpet.

2. Lost someone close to you
My Grandpa when I was 5.

3. Drank alcohol?
Besides the sips I got from my parents' drinks, the first time was a band trip to San Diego. A buddy stole a little bottle of some 180 proof liquor and mixed it with clearly canadian, pepsi, apple cider and Ben & Jerry's cookie dough ice cream.

4. Got kissed?
8th grade, behind the gym, at a school dance. I wonder if she remembers correctly or maybe it was somebody else. :)

5. Went to the hospital?
When I was born.

6. Got your heart broken?
22. She asked me to move in with her, then disappeared with another guy. Made me realize that I needed to grow a pair and stand up for myself. My feelings matter too you know.

7. Lost a pet?
5 years old. My grandma's great dane got put down.

8. Got arrested?
Not yet!

9. Got in a (real) fight?
No fights.

10. Broken a bone?
Broke my baby toe once. Not very exciting, sorry.

11. Got a job?
14. Playing an Easter Service at a church attended by the Reagans and Richard Gere.

12. Got cheated on?
See #6.

13. Went to a concert?
I was to young to remember my first concert. My first rock concert was Korn at the Pond. Didn't even know who Korn was at the time, but the girl I was dating had free tickets.

14. Got your own cell phone?
17, with Pac Bell, who turned to Cingular, which merged with SBC and is now part of AT&T...and they still won't give me a free phone.

15. Had 1st boy/girl friend?
12 or 13 and I asked her out on April Fool's Day (real smooth, I know).

16. Snuck out of the house?
Sometime had to sneak girls out of the house, but I never had to sneak out.

17. Got something pierced other than your ears?
Needles and I don't mix.

19. Got caught having sex?
Back in my formative years, one of us accidently rolled over the phone and turned it on. I guess her sister was on the other line talking to her friends cause she came screaming down the hall and banged on the door to tell us to hang up the phone. Would have loved to be in on that conversation.

20. Snuck someone in your house?
See #16

21. How old are you now?
Not too old to watch cartoons, but old enough to keep track now of how much I've had to drink so I don't feel too bad in the morning.

22. Took an Internet survey?
This would be the first time. Laugh and mock me all you want. Blame it on a lazy Friday with the boss out of town.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I was wrong, it WAS 8th grade. Nice to know you remember.

And it was April Fool's Day, wasn't it? I wonder what I ever did with that note....

Anonymous said...

We were upstairs at the library. We were passing notes back and forth so that the nazi librarian wouldn't yell at us. First I asked you if your were Egyptian and had any kids. Then I wrote that I had something to ask you. The actual asking wasn't done in note form; it's hard to believe, but I did have the guts to ask in person. Gotta set the record straight!

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Liar. YOu wrote me a note, then sent a blond trombone player over to deliver the entire message. When I said yes, THAT's when you finally approached me in person.