The Curly-Haired Girl feels like tomorrow is the first day of school. It kicks off a 2-week transitional period, the end of which will find her in her own office, with new business cards, and the title of Boss.
She's excited. And nervous. And a little nauseated.
It's pretty stupid to feel like this. It's a full two weeks until the safety net is gone, so she shouldn't worry about it until Labor Day weekend. But since a memo went out on Friday that said "Starting Monday, please go to the Curly-Haired Girl for any and all managerial issues," the safety net seems like it's already been yanked away.
She remembers the first day of college. It was an ecstatic time to be the the CHG. 3,000 miles away from home, anxious about the workload, but loving the fact that she was an "adult." And that was a complete joke because she was no more than a little kid back then.
Fast forward 11 years: she actually is an "adult" and yet couldn't feel less like one. Instead she feels like she has the stomach flu, which is only partially due to the fact that she drank whisky for 5 solid hours yesterday.
Maybe if she has another drink, she'll be able to relax?
It couldn't hurt.