
Profit & Loss

In an era of instant gratification, it's very easy to walk away from the things that require work. It's pretty easy to give up when the return on investment isn't immediately apparent. We want what we want and we sure as hell don't want to wait for it.

Some things, though, just don't come easily. Some things are worth waiting for, going after, fighting for. Blood, sweat, tears and heartbreak should all make the end result that much sweeter.

But at what point, in the middle of the painful turmoil, do you stop and say enough? I'm worth more than this. I am worth fighting for.

I don't know. I really don't.

But I'm hoping that eventually--soon--I'll figure it out.


Oni said...

Sometimes I feel like it's us women that have a hard time putting ourselves first.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

No doubt.

Also, I should no longer blog at 12 am after drinking bourbon. I'm nowhere near as articulate as I'd like to be.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Well, you can't speed up the passing of the sun, so there's very little I can do in the mean tim.

Anxiety-riddled waiting...