
Photoblogging Friday 8.3.07

I spent yesterday afternoon with the newest edition to our family. He's a squishy little thing. Looks exactly like most newborns. And has a LOT of hair.

His mommy, recuperating from the surgery, looks amazing for someone who just had nearly 8 pounds of squirming goodness yanked out of her just 5 days ago. His father is the proudest man I've ever encountered (since my other brother had a his kids, that is). He's completely overcome with emotion and admitted that up until this weekend, he didn't even realized how much he truly loved the mommy.

She almost cried when he said that. They're the cutest little bunch.

Here's a shot I snapped just 30 minutes after the birth, through the nursery glass.

It's a baby werewolf!

The proud papa and his progeny

I got to feed him finally. He fell asleep on my chest. So innocent and peaceful.

Life is so incredibly good right now.


Oni said...

Oh so cute!!!! I'm very happy for your family:)

The littlest Princess said...

It's so cute to see your baby brother as a daddy. It's just adorable. It's amazing how much a baby can change your perspective of the world while you're holding them.

Anonymous said...

He is just so proud; it's radiating from his smile. How sweet is that?

David N. Scott said...

Cute! Neat! :D