
It's That Good

What was the pinnacle of greatness before sliced bread came along?

I don't care. But I can tell you what the best thing SINCE then has been: canned soda.

It's soda. In a can. That you can take with you wherever you go! A little mobile carrying case for yummy nectar, it is.

You might argue that any vessel capable of not spilling your liquid refreshment would qualify as the best thing
since sliced bread. Like flasks. For tequila, or *insert your poison of choice here.* And you would have a compelling point. But changing the idiom to suit your ever-changing multitude of examples would be crazy talk. And highly confusing.

So it's soda in a can. As I have declared it so it shall be. Anytime you come across something truly excellent, you can now say "it's the best thing since soda in a can."

Although maybe "beer in a can" might be a better option?



Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Soda in a bottle is the best thing since soda in a can!

Though I can't speak to the road-tripping emergency thing. Not having a penis and all.

Will said...

beats hair in a can.

exile said...

acctually the best was when Dicken's Cider was available in six packs.

i can't start my day with out my Dicken's Cider Can.

DrinkJack said...

I will stick with a flask ;) But then again, I am living in a parallel universe.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Will: you are very wise.

Exile: and here I thought it was that Monster shit that started your day when blowjobs weren't on the menu.

Jack: you, my dear, are entitled to your flask. Because we know how you feel about coke in your whisky.

exile said...

exo- i'm still waiting for a day that i get to start out with good... can of monster...