
Setting a Career Path

Here's a link courtesy of our friends over at Perrero: jobs women should get to increase their fuckability.

I still think international spy is the coolest gig on the planet. And like I mentioned in the comments section, the CIA is now advertising its need for new meat. My timing couldn't be any better.

As for the fuckability factor, have you watched any James Bond movies? 'Nuff said.

Though if I had the creativity, I'd totally be a sex writer. But I don't, so instead you guys get stories about me wanting to be a spy. With nunchakus.

Which you like, right? Right?!?!


Anonymous said...

Emergency exits are here, here and here...do I seem more do-able now?

exile said...

*a cricket chirps in the audience*

nah, internation nun-chucker is good

Anonymous said...

weird, I didn't see anything about teachers or bagpipers on that list...wish I had seen that list before I took the plunge. Oh well.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Sandra: you're Dr. Danger. Your place on the scale was never in any question.

Exile: thanks.

JTS: that list doesn't account for taste. You're totally in the clear.

Woody: now we know what kind of women you prefer.

DrinkJack said...

Obviously, I like the bartender spot. Multi-tasker :)

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

A job that allows you to show off your rack AND gives you free access to alcohol? And they PAY you? It almost sounds like heaven.


DrinkJack said...

Heaven would be shagging the bartender, especially in an empty bar :)

BurgandySkies said...

I think it's the phallic symbolism of the nunchuckas. ;)