
Sibling Protection

The New Man met my brothers Friday night. He and my older brother, Big Fish, hit it off immediately. So much so that I was left out of the conversation completely, despite sitting right in between them all night.

They talked football and shit while I tried navigating between them to scoop spinach dip on my plate. It was a little annoying. But I was relieved that they were bonding. That's kind of important, if he's going to be around and all.

As we were getting ready to leave, they said their good-byes and all of a sudden, Big Fish said, "don't fuck with my sister!"

I fell out of my chair laughing. I was expecting that from my baby brother definitely, but the older one has never really taken an interest in my dates. This was a nice exception.

The Man, confident that he is (it's so hot), just laughed and assured him he had no intention of it. But that he'd been expecting some kind of warning eventually.

It was awesomeness squared. I really do love my brothers.


Oni said...

You have 2 brothers! That's doubly wonderful. They seem like lots of fun.

The littlest Princess said...

I'm so surprised that baby brother didn't start off with that. As little as my baby brother is, that's the first thing he said to the rockstar when he walked in the house, and the look on his face made it obvious he wasn't kidding. The rockstar was stunned to say the least.

LB said...

You have a NEW GUY too!! I love it! My NG hasn't met my family yet...especially not my brother...my brother is really wierd about guys I date- unless he's drunk. Id he's drunk he loves everyone- at least until he sobers up. Hmm...
I'm glad Big Fish said that...that is what all brothers should say to a New Guy...even if they were bonding!!

David N. Scott said...

That's cool. I sort of have the opposite problem with my sis... like 3 dates ever and she's 23. She's a dancer/theater person so she's always rehearsing and stuff and so she never has time to date anybody.

So... it's sort of funny. Cos it's opposite. Yep.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Chick: Yup. They're ultra cool. Seriously, the fucking awesomest men I know. Except for the one I'm dating, and that's because he's got me living on a pedestal. Hee!

Princess: It was actually something the baby brother had told me he planned to do, and yet, there was Big Fish swooping in for the win. I really wish you could have witnessed it. It was one of the best moments of my entire life.

Little Bull: I love this honeymoon period. When you're totally swept up in the infatuation...it makes you all stupid and happy. I'm a total dork right now.

David: Your poor sister. But she's young. She'll get there.

Anonymous said...

Makes me wish I had a brother. Although if I had brothers that looked like yours, I might jump them. And that'd be incestuously gross. Although V.C. Andrews would have fun writing a novel about it...

DrinkJack said...

Cheers to family approved summer fun!

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Roonie: you're a crack up!

Jack: I think I might keep this one a little longer...