
Photoblogging Friday 6.15.07

Today is my baby brother's birthday. He's 26. Just in time for his first father's day. Which means I should probably stop referring to him as my baby brother. Except he'll always be the baby and we could be in our 100s and I'd still be calling him that. So oh well.

Here's what he looked like at my
spicnic birthday party a few weeks back:


Nameless, playing the westside homie

Is he a terrorist or is he a gangbanger? It's hard to say. He wears a white collar a little too well.

Happy birthday, sweetheart!!


Oni said...

Adorable! He kinda looks Indian in this pic.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

He's marrying one. We're really curious to see what the children will look like.

Will said...

My little brother just turned 30 but he'll always be my baby brother too.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, lil bro!!

DrinkJack said...

Happy Late Birthday GPG's little bro.

Is that like the dueling Spock gang sign?

Cowboy said...

So this would make him a blood, no? I know a surgeon who could help him straighten those fingers.