
Busted, Again

It's so well-documented on this here pink-hued blog of mine that it's an embarrassment to continue writing about it. But since I'm tapped out on anything that isn't too personal or baby-related, you're going to make do.

About a month ago, I messed up the thumb on my left hand. Shit like that happens all the fucking time, so it was no surprise that when I woke up and was unable to use it, that I had no recollection of how the hell I did it this time.

But, like most of my other injuries, I ignored it. Aches and pains usually go away. Two weeks later it was still kind of swollen and useless. So I started wearing a splint. Which is so unattractive and sent my nephew into a tizzy this afternoon when he saw it. Kept telling me his thumb wasn't broken, so how could mine be?

Now the doctor is concerned that it might actually be broken. I call bullshit on that, but I'm still going to get xrays taken tomorrow. Which is so annoying. Taking time out of my busy schedule to be radiated. Watch my hand turn green. And glow.

Well, that might be kind of cool. This whole bum thumb thing though? Not so much.

***UPDATE 8:39 PM***

It's not broken. Whoopdee. So that just means that I have a nasty contusion or some such nonsense. Argh.


Alexandra Scarborough (Sasha) said...

Egad. I'm sorry, darling. Heal soon!

Anonymous said...

How can you walk around with a broken thumb for two weeks? Out of sympathy I will only write holding the pen with my 4 non-opposable fingers today.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I don't believe it's broken. I think the doctor is covering her ample ass by forcing me to take a morning off work and wait for fucking ever to get two damn x-rays taken.

Thank god I'm right-handed.

I appreciate your sacrifice, JTS!

LB said...

I hear ya on all of that. I'm going to the Dr today after work to be radiated...ugh.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Fucking doctors.

Jeen Yes said...

it'd have been cool if you were irradiated enough to become a super-heroine. i'd hire you as my personal bodyguard/heroine (kinda takes the wind out of the sails of your search for a greek manservant, no?)

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Unfortunately for you, my dear JY, they covered me in lead while only exposing my one hand. But fortunately for me, this will allow me to continue my quest for the Greek manservant.

Anonymous said...

That's because you're indestructible. DUH DOCTORS!