
The Countdown Starts Today

Today is my half birthday. I am officially 28 1/2 years old.

I share this not because I'm particularly excited. And we all stopped counting half-birthdays sometime around age 8 anyway. The real reason is that today also marks another special event: in exactly 18 months, I will turn 30.

The Krazy Mommy hates me right now. That's because she's 4 months older than me, so in 2 months she'll be 29. She also hates that I just shared that with you. But the fact is she's already accomplished far more than I'm ever going to. Like having a passport, going to Jamaica, and what else? Oh yeah, baby making. Okay, I might do the first two, but hopefully not the third.

My original plan for this post was to list a bunch of things I want to do before hitting the big 3-0. Unlike
this girl, I've already knocked that out of the park, and with gusto! But while compiling said list (and you know how I love the lists), I realized there isn't a lot I'm readily bursting to do. I used to have big plans, but somewhere along the way I lost my sense of adventure and my naïve belief that anything was possible.

And that makes me sad.

So in an effort to overcome the doldrums of being 28.5, here's the starter list for things to do before I turn 30:

  • Get a passport
  • Run a marathon, possibly 2 or 3
  • Bungee jump
  • Be published in another magazine, hopefully one less niche-y
  • Pay off a significant portion of my non-school loan debt, like 50% (which was actually this year's resolution, but oh well)
  • Be publicly referred to as "notorious" for good reason
  • Enslave a Greek man
  • Make him peel grapes and feed them to me while I lounge
  • Make good on our promise to each other on taking a girls weekend away
  • Laser off the Brazilian forest
  • Laser back my vision
  • Travel the "country" with nothing but my camera and American Express card (where "country" means some non-destination locale, like Spain)
  • Travel Tequila and enjoy its fruits
  • Make out under the pier while the sun sets over Malibu
  • Trace my family lineage back to the Aztecs, and France too probably
  • Learn ballet
  • Find a salsa partner
  • Mentor a young, aspiring photographer
  • Love my life again, like I used to a year ago

It's short, and some of these things are already on the books for getting done before the end of this year, but it's a good road map for the next 18 months. I'm sure there are an assload of things I'm forgetting. But that's why the internets exist: so I can post about it tomorrow!

But today, no. Today we celebrate--with margaritas!


The littlest Princess said...

who's "this girl" and what have you knocked out of the park because it just takes me to the login in page :(

Anonymous said...

bitch and

David N. Scott said...

Yeh, this girl is a link to blogger.com. I blame blogger. Well, and you. ;)

28.5, huh? THat's even older than Julie...

I heartily recommend laser eye type surgery. Best $3,000 ever.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I fixed it. It's that girl Sarah that Jane magazine was trying in vain to pimp out, so she could lose her virginity before her 30th birthday.

Didn't happen.

Also, I have no problem at all with turning 29 or 30. So David, you can tease me all you want about being old.

I still get carded. So there.

Anonymous said...

I predict that in 1.5 years, we'll all be saying: remember when she was just Exoterica? And now she's the Notorious Exoterica GPG-Apollo, famous author and world champion salsa dancer! Did you know that she also holds the world record for tequila drinking?

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Sandra, don't be ridiculous. How can I be a world famous author, champion salsa dancer AND hold the record for tequila drinking in just 18 months?! That's going to take a good 19 months, at least.

All I really want is a passport so I can go get the Greek manslave, make out with him under the Venice pier, and then teach him to salsa naked.

Is that really too much to ask, dammit?

Cowboy said...

Thirty shmirty. I'm worried about the four-oh.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I'm not worried about either. I'm actually looking forward to it all.