
Ode to Alcohol

this under "shit we already know." Honestly. The New York Times has nothing better than to report a finding that makes everyone reading go "duh?" I mean, isn't that why most people, upon hearing the word "tequila" immediately scrunch their faces up in the recollection of a horrible morning after 18 too many shots?

I hate amateurs.

So, for the rest of us big kids who know how to handle our liquor but sometimes still insist on hitting 7 shots in 2 hours and thus giving ourselves a hangover that lasts 2 days (but damn that was some good shit!), here's a little more "shit we already know" but with a funny twist:


In other news, a big fat congratulations to my one and only Cat-roo-key. This rarest of animals--who doesn't even drink, but I still love him muchly--just scored himself his own Job of a Lifetime. I'm so happy for you, honey. And I'm looking forward to you buying me lunch on a regular basis!



David N. Scott said...

Heh, heh, heh.

Anonymous said...

alcohol also makes boobies chocolate licking good

The littlest Princess said...

Yes it most definately does. Apparently it's beer and Vodka more so than Tequila though.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Yeah. But we know how you get after some beer and tequila. ;)

DrinkJack said...

I should have bought you a few more shots :)

I couldn't read the article. What did it have to say about bourbon?

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Sweetie, I think 3 was enough. Anything more than that would have turned me into a less charming version of myself, and you didn't want to know her.