
Top 40 Ta-tas

I have been getting a ridiculous amount of traffic for a particular Google Images search string having to do with the female anatomy. And it's not just from American Google. I have hits coming from Canada, Ireland, Spain, Australia, Brazil. And that was only in the last week. This piqued my curiosity, so I did a little searching of my own.

And there they are, in all their autographed glory: the last picture on the second page. I think this is hysterical.

But it gets better!

Look at the picture below. Click for sense-making bigness.

See something wrong? Yes, you do. Why the hell is someone from the Kern County Superintendent of Schools searching for answers to the question "does a man like to feel my boobies when I hug him?" Does that seem inappropriate to anyone else?

Finally, in all seriousness, to the boys out there: does a man like to feel my boobies when I hug him?


Anonymous said...

you know, i never really noticed it before, but i have a feeling i'm going to start noticing now....

Oni said...

love your detective work. i think most men like to feel the boobies in a hug.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your excellent and traffic-making ladybumps! Superintendent approved, it seems.

David N. Scott said...

Y'know, I have to admit, somehow I missed the boobs/signing/internet searching thing that's been referenced so many times. What did I miss?

Boob hugs are nice, though there can be an odd collision between what can be an innocent gesture, esp. from innocent types, and the non-innocent noticings they can prompt.

Unless that's yet another Evil Girl Conspiracy Involving Feigned Innocence, of course.

Anyway, a boob hug once prompted me to vigorously pursue my second girlfriend. Sadly, she later lost them with the help of a speed habit.

Even more sadly, she deliberately adopted the habit to get rail-skinnny, as is the proper socialite thing to do.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

She lost her boobs to speed? That's so sad. Sadder than the fact that she was on speed.

I'm a huge proponent of boobs. In case anyone didn't already get that.

Anonymous said...

That Kern guy (or girl) wasn't me, but I did visit and order prints.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Like you didn't take every opportunity to hug me when you had the chance?

David N. Scott said...

She lost her boobs to speed? That's so sad. Sadder than the fact that she was on speed.

Yea, it helped her move up from 'girl 95% of guys would love to date and show off' to 'chick what rich dickheads like to drag around to exclusive parties'. So I guess she was happy with it... In some sense of the word.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I'd rather have boobs than parites with rich dickheads. But maybe I'm just not very cool.


Yeah right!

DrinkJack said...

I am not sure...maybe I should get a hug :)

DrinkJack said...

I am with David, why are you getting hits on your boobs? Did I miss a Friday photo?

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Nope, it was buried in a post about the past, and all the happies that partying with musicians led to.

If you can find it, I'll buy you a drink. ;)

Roonie said...

Statcounter makes life wonderful.

Jansky T said...

Yes. A man feels a girl's boobies when she hugs him.

I likes me some hugs.