
Overheard on the Way to the Bar

La Ria has a degree in English. She really, really, REALLY likes words and language and etc. While we were on our way to a drinking establishment the other night, we passed a fast food restaurant. This ensued:

La Ria: Carl's Jr.

GPG: Yeah?

La Ria: I've never understood the name. Carl's? With an apostrophe S?

GPG: I've never actually noticed.

La Ria: It used to bug me a lot when I was younger.

GPG: God, you are SUCH a word nerd!

And then I bought her an Amaretto sour. Because she clearly needed it. My Word Nerd. She thinks too much.


Anonymous said...

Dude, I hear her on that one.

Oni said...

I don't think I even heard of Carl's Jr. until I moved to Cali. I'm a typo-a-holic, I don't think I noticed the apostrophe.

Jeen Yes said...

would you say she's a hyperpolysyllabicsesquipedalianist?

ya know what they call carl's jr. in the midwest? hardee's. and it still a horrifically guilty pleasure any way you spell it.

Jeen Yes said...

oh, i also discover del taco. that's another stupid name. "of the taco?" are you kidding? you should write to them requesting a change to a name that's not quite so dumb.

Anonymous said...

More annoying than a word nerd is the trivia nut:

Carl N. Karcher got his start in the food industry in 1941 by owning several hot dog stands in Los Angeles. By 1945, Karcher owned a stand-alone restaurant in Anaheim, California called Carl's Drive-In Barbeque. In 1956, Karcher opened the first two Carl's Jr. restaurants; so named because they were a smaller version of his drive-in restaurant.

So, the punctuation is correct...but still annoying. Thanks to Wikipedia buy the way.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmph...I meant 'by the way'.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

It's okay, JTS. We know yous a smart boy! And thanks for clarifying. I'll be sure to pass it along to La Ria.

JY: Del Taco is actually yummy.

Jeen Yes said...

just because it tastes good doesn't make the name any less dumb. but i concur, it's pretty tasty. maybe that should be their slogan: stupid name, good food.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather eat at "of the Taco" than at "the horned boxfish", which is what El Torito translates to in Cuba.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Why would you name donuts after a random hockey player? I don't even like donuts. Lame.

I'm sure JTS will come up with the answer to that question.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I'm at a loss when it comes to explaining Canadians.

Cowboy said...

Holy Fuck eh? Who HASN'T heard of Tim Horton's (and it DOES in fact have an apostrophe, just like Jack Daniel's). Tim Hortons is the shiz-nit. It's so much better than ANY American chain. It's not just donuts, it's pastry, coffee that makes Starbucks taste like garbage-brewed turd squeezings, and amazing soups and sandwiches. Your life is incomplete until you eat there.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

The closest I've ever been to Canada was Ann Arbor, MI. During an ice storm. In March. For a fucking week.

Let me tell you how fun that wasn't.

My life is complete enough.

David N. Scott said...

I don't think I even heard of Carl's Jr. until I moved to Cali.

They run as Hardees out eastward...