
A Missed Opportunity

Had I not spent my entire day in bed on Sunday recovering from four solid nights of drinking heavily and/or just getting home late (but mostly drinking heavily), I would have pulled something like this to everyone I know.

F-U-C-K-I-N-G B-R-I-L-L-I-A-N-T!

And I wouldn't have stopped at marriage. There would have been a sheepish call to my parents and both brothers begging them for bail money, a teary-eyed call to the Krazy Mommy about an unplanned pregnancy, an angry text message to one blogger about a sudden eruption of chicken pox, and finally a call to Jon Tenney asking him to marry me.

Except I would have meant that last one. Because I really want to have his babies. And by that, I mean I just want to practice making them. A lot.

But no. Instead, my lazy ass didn't even remember the date until my roomie's boyfriend called her at 5 pm to say he'd been in an accident. She freaked out and then he walked through the door yelling April Fools! That was funny to everyone except her.

When I finally decided to get out of bed a half hour later, it was too late to start having the Fool's Day Fun.

Oh well. There's always next year. I suppose.


David N. Scott said...

It sucks when April Fool's is on a Sunday. Last year's Pererro hijinks and this year's had a huge disparity to how excited people got/how many people noticed.

PS, my bud Jon/Zelkun had the misfortune of forgetting the date and posting his engagement announcement yesterday, prompting skeptical IMs.

LB said...

I stayed in bed ALL day Sunday...it was great...no fooling on that one.

I was supposed to have dinner with the ex bf that day...that would have been a big joke! good thing I cut off all communication! Jokes on you buddy!

Who's Jon Tenney? Should I know who he is? I'm going to google him.