
I'm in Charge

There's a class at the Wharton School, taught right there in Steinberg Dietrich, that is called Management 100. Rest assured, this class isn't worth shit in the California state school system. Except for elective credit. But as an undergrad at the best business school that Donald Trump ever went to, you cannot graduate without taking it your freshman year.

It supposedly teaches you how to lead. I don't remember much about that class, other than half our grade being based on working at an afterschool program in the inner city. Which just happened to be smack-dab in the middle of
Kensington, a notoriously ghetto section of Philly filled with Puerto Ricans a-plenty.

(They had an AMAZING bakery there with the best Puerto Rican food I've ever had. Better than my dad's even. Oh man, that was so fucking good. If there's one thing I will forever miss about that wretched city...)

But there was also a focus on "the big picture." And in my newly-formed faux-management role, I'm having to consider this constantly. I don't get to make decisions based on what's best for me in that moment, but on what's best for the majority in the long run.

It's frustrating.

And this is why most world leaders are completely ineffectual. The long-term goals are too broad to help in the right now. And will most likely never come to fruition. Unless the goal is war and oil. Then there will be much war and excessively expensive gasoline. This sucks.

Which is why I'm voting for
Canadian J in the 2008 elections.


Bengali Chick said...

amazing Puerto Rican food in philly? please do tell and i will pass on the info to a good friend living in d.c.

Cowboy said...

Hell yeah, every vote counts.

DrinkJack said...

Man, I would kill for a good bakery. Heaven would be an apartment on top with a dumb waiter that would provide perfect rolls in an instant.