
Overheard in Bally's Parking Lot

My assistant (aka "the slave") is hell bent on teaching us a new hobby.

GPG: Oh, we're learning to knit tomorrow.

Princess: What the fuck?

GPG: Yeah, it's called a "stitch & bitch." I don't know. *shrugs*

Princess: Okay...

GPG: That's what happens when you have a slave.*

Then a black woman walked by. I'm so unfailingly and unapologetically politically incorrect sometimes, I just fall all over myself in hysterical laughter.

*For the record, my slave is a Greek girl. I'm just a half-step away from getting that Greek manservant I've been wishing for!


The littlest Princess said...

For the record, I laughed my ass off all the way to the car at the thought of you knitting. I'm the one with the old lady hobbies.

Oni said...

Secret: I was in a knitting club in SF. I'm not good though. And knitting is boring. Really boring.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

It turns out that knitting is horribly difficult. I'd much rather stab someone with the needles than play with yarn.

Anonymous said...

Here's to hoping that the Greek manservant is just beyond the horizon!

DrinkJack said...

I am not sure giving you pointed objects is a good thing :)

Does the Greek lady slave have relatives for your perusal?