
Pussies Dominate in LA

There are news reports this morning of a wild cat running loose through the hills of the West Valley. Mountain lions own the foothills around here. So it's pretty absurd that people clear out these precious parcels of land, move in and then complain that the cougars are eating their young. How are they surprised by that?

If you move into one of these areas, you know the risks. And what you're risking is being eaten by a wild animal. Yes, in the middle of this sprawling metropolis, there are still vicious, untamed creatures roaming about. Very few of them now because we keep killing them anytime they get too close to our swimming pools. That's a damn shame. We're gobbling up their territory, destroying their food sources, but god forbid they start encroaching on ours.

It's pure arrogance that because you paid $1 million (or vastly more) for your plot of land, replete with a view of the entire city that makes you feel like a
Roman Emperor, the wildlife should be destroyed.

Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Maybe we should fiddle while the
cats eat the hill dwellers. They are, after all, getting what they deserve.


LB said...

All I can picture in my mind when I read this is LC from the Hills being chased down the street by a cat...and Heidi Montard cackling as she watches. Obvi I have not been to LA in a while...
I have my own wild cat...LOLA! She's a fierce one!

Mumblemumble said...
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Mumblemumble said...

Not to say I didn't like your story here, but I must admit after I read the title I thought 2 things might follow:

1) A female sports team was completing in LA, or
2) You had finally found your Greek manservant.

Btw - speaking of cats did I mention I got a pic of a BOBCAT in Yosemite the other weekend!?!?

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

LB: That might be the first Hills reference of the year here. Good for you.

Woody: If only. We could use an entire army of baboons!

C-dub: 1-no, no, no. 2-don't I wish?! And yes, please show us pictures!

DrinkJack said...

See, I thought fire was the answer to those hill dwelling richees.

Nothing like this conversation at the dinner table: "I wonder where fido is? He normally is begging right now...."