
The Harem, Part 2

Continuing on with why you should click on the blogroll links:

FreshBlade - The tales of an undercover surgeon who I strongly suspect has an Irish accent. Despite the fact that this incarnation is just a few posts old, I'm willing to bet there will be a lot of entertaining "blethering," some very good examples of photographic wonder, and also tales of the what hospital life is like behind the scenes. À la Scrubs, but with more redheads and not-American accents.

GeezohPetes! - The trials and tribulations of one Roonie-licious, who lives her life out loud and without regard for your rules of her behavior. I admire her for her scathing and well-written honesty. She's great at wielding words like a sword and will cut you down in no time flat. She's one of my favoritest real life in person people who just happens to blog too, but now that she's off in Tejas, I rely on her blog to keep me looped in to the cowboy culture.

Jennie SMASH - I'd been reading Jennie's blog for a couple of years before I had the balls to link to it because she's, like, a professional writer. You know, one of those intimidating people that actually gets paid to commit thoughts to paper and is good with them words? Yeah, one of those. I have a soft spot for NYers who aren't native but still all about the city. Kind of in the exact opposite way that I feel about non-native Angelenos. Read her. Now.

Jet Blach Jabber - I forced H. Wood to be my friend when he moved to Los Angeles last summer, mostly because he seemed to like to drink and who doesn't like fresh meat new people? He played along for a while. He also used to be one of those real writer people, which is what makes his blog a good read. Someone who can actually write, imagine! He's inconsistent with his posting, which is infuriating, but we do allow people to have actual lives here at Exoterica. I guess.

Just Another Girl... - Kali found me through Roonie and I have since stolen her idea for naming your girlie parts. Mostly because the Girls and I will use any excuse to introduce new words into the lexicon, and crotchles is the best one yet. Plus, she has kind of an art deco French boudouir thing going on with her blog template. And she seems like a nice girl.

Lil Bit of This... - The Princess is one of my oldest friends and makes up one-fourth of the aforementioned Girls who make life delicious. By default, she is given a spot in The Harem. Plus, she likes to rant about bullshit she has to deal with, like the fact that a SWAT team was running around her neighborhood the other morning, which she now firmly believes is a ghetto. (She doesn't actually live in the ghetto, but a very nice neighborhood within a mile of a golf course, so don't be fooled.) She also has more boobs than brains, but that's just a joke I came up with at Disneyland. Her brain is very big, but her boobies protect us from terrorists.


LB said...

I feel so lucky to be in your Harem! haha....

You and Bengali can go find the ex boyfriend (i'll give you the exact address) and you guys can give him a whoooopin! yeah!

The littlest Princess said...

Hee hee, And it's things like this that make me love you more. YOu rock. Sometimes my boobs are however bigger than my brains. But that's when I have a little sister moment and spaz. Yes my boobs do protect from terrorists. They kept a whole plane of jet fuel from blowing up. They also managed to get me out of middle east just in time as well. I love my boobies they're wonderful friends.

Anonymous said...

You might be right about the accent. What you didn't mention is how fab I feel to be on your blogroll!

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Haha, you ladies are all crazy. Crazy gets you into the Harem.

Well, the RIGHT kind of crazy.

FB: I'm psychic, so I knew you had an accent. And tomorrow I'm going to win the lottery. Just watch.

Roonie said...

I'll be your lady of the night any ol' day.