
Overheard at Gingergrass

Mom: I read somewhere that several millenia ago, the Druids came to the Americas and taught the indigenous people about the earth. And that's why you have all these early civilizations that have similar beliefs about reverence for Mother Earth and whatnot.

GPG: What the hell?

Dad: Yeah, and the Egyptians were aliens. That's how they retained their power.

GPG: And enchanted the Romans?

Dad: They were probably aliens, too.

My parents, my aliens.


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I think the real question is: what color were the aliens?

David N. Scott said...

Wow. That's weirder than some of the stuff my mom says.

Well, maybe.

exile said...

see, the problem with most of the "explorer's" of the "new world" is that they were men.

men always belive that they were the first and the best at whatever they do.

"that's all we need, a dru-ish princess"

exile said...

"i'm a mog, half man, half dog. I'm my own best friend"