
Time for Bed

It's like this, which I told someone yesterday: all I can think about is how fucking tired I am, and how much I want to murder someone.

My feet are swollen. From standing. In heels. For 2 hours. And drinking wine.

Also, if you're watching this game and really think Western Kentucky is going to win, the short bus is waiting to take you back to retard school. Because you're a fucking idiot.

That is all.


exile said...

the feeling of being so tired you can't sleep...

i've been in that state for over a month

LB said...

I'm from Oregon...but I don't like Kevin Love. Sorry. Every time I see him on TV I get the sudden urge to go work out...I get the same feeling when I see Brandon davis...they are both greasy and large. I love UCLA though. Just not Kevin Love. Blech.

Captain Chipmunk said...

It's hard for me to root for UCLA since they waitlisted my ass, but I put my pride on the shelf and picked them to win in my office pool.