
Russian Holidays

Did you miss the opportunity to take Wednesday off just so you could make babies? I did, and god knows I could have used it. The sex, sure, but mainly the day off.

Except I'm not Russian, so it didn't apply. However, I do have vacation time banked up, so I can basically make Conception Day any day of the week I want.

I also already own a car and have no desire for babies. Plus my baby-making counterpart works worse hours than I do, so no babies for us.

My life is so very hard.


LB said...

I suggested to my boss that I should go home so that I can reproduce yesterday and she said something along the lines of "we don't need little you's running around!" hmmm...but I saw that story on the news...and a new car? hells yeah I'll pop out a curtain climber for that, oh wait. no i won't. My baby making counterpart works horrid hours right now too...no marvin gaye will be on at our house this week...sad.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I :heart: Marvin Gaye. Lots.

"Sexual Healing" is number 137 on the jukebox at Mel's on Sunset. Just for the record.

I'm hoping to squeeze some in between games this Saturday...

LB said...

I can squeeze any inbetween games this weekend like I want to...the BF is down south watching the damn games. GRR! Haven't seen him in 3 days...Monday will make 6...which is when i'll see him next...

DrinkJack said...

Half time quickie? Blow-out bop?