
Photoblogging Friday 12.8.06

In a former life, this is what I used to shoot:

Not Chris Cornell.

Ah, musicians. So pretty and so fragile. They should be kept in glass cases so you don't break them if you play with them.

For more other band shots, visit
www.worldsanction.com or www.myspace.com/sanction.

And that fulfills my selfless promotion of pretty boys and whores for the year. I'll return next week with something festive.


Anonymous said...

Whenever you want to selflessly promote pretty males, I will be there to listen.

Just a FYI ;)

Anonymous said...

You have a real gift for angles. Great pics!

PS I've been trying to post comments for the last couple of days but the site is locking up. Just switched to Beta - not worth the trouble.