
Happy Birthday, Nameles!

My baby brother--who, as you know, is my favoritest person in the entire world--turns 25 today. YAY!!!

And even though I still bear the battle scars of our pre-adolescent fights (seriously, like 10 of them), I love him dearly and wish him the best. In fact, here's a little something that deserves some reiteration:

To know this man is to adore him. And if you don’t, it’s simply because you’re a senseless asshole with serious character flaws. End of story. He is one of the most talented, caring, fun-loving, respectful individuals I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. And that I get to claim him as not only my blood relative, but also my best friend, makes me one of the luckiest people on the planet.

I know that not everyone is as fortunate as we are to get along with their siblings, or that some of you don’t even have any. As flippant as this will come across, I’m sorry, but I’m glad I’m not you. Because my relationship with my brother is one of the single most treasured things I have in my life.

He really is the greatest little brother a girl could have wished for.

As a birthday present to him, go buy his cd already.

Have a great day, sweetheart! Watch out for Batman tonight!! ;)


exile said...

awwww, you wuv your bro so much

The littlest Princess said...

I know exactly what you mean because I have the same kind of relationship with my little brother. It's great. I would't trade him for the world even though I tried multiple times when I was 4 to trade him for another brother, or to trade Andy Juan's sister for him. Yay for baby brothers that kick ass when they grow up

Amanda said...

he is very Donnie Darko in the pic! (that's a good thing)