
Comet-Sized Epiphanies

I was about 8 years old when Haley's Comet came through town. I was a Girl Scout then too, learning to "rough it" in the quest for more of those merit badges along my sash.

We put together a time capsule that is buried who-knows-where to be opened the next time the comet comes around--in 2061. I don't remember what I sacrificed to the Girl Scouts of The Future, though I do recall there being a request for mundane items, like a toothbrush.

I always wondered what the fuck anyone would want with a toothbrush from 1986. I just now realized they probably meant a fresh, unwrapped one.

It only took me 20 years to figure that one out.


While reading the neighboring blogs today I came across references to people I hadn't thought about in several years. Turns out LA is a very tiny little place where there are less than 3 degrees of separation between me, you and the next stranger.

And also, that just because you want to believe that people cease to exist once you're done with them doesn't mean that they do.

The nerve!


SkookumJoe said...

Even a new toothbrush is a pretty shitty find. Mom used to put toothbrushes in our Christmas stockings to pack them out a little. That and mandarin oranges.

exile said...

i made a time capsule with a friend of mine, we wanted to wait until the future to open it so we waited until the year 2000! by the looks of the items were really boring kids.

in highschool i made one that was a "written time capsule" where you wrote your self letters and such. i guess i was far more analytical back then than i realize, i had contact into, timelines, it's was pretty weird. especially the letter i wrote my self.

David N. Scott said...

Exile: Holy crap, that is an eerie thought.

I did a time capsule in elementary school, but the place was torn down later and is now some condo/strip mall development, like everything else in OC. Wonder what they did with the damn thing--must've found it when they laid foundations...

I'm not getting the toothbrush thing, either...

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Well, since it's my blog, I'll make that the subject.

The same thing happened to me in 3rd grade. A balloon I had released in 1st grade was picked up by a guy in Diamond Bar and sent back to me. Kind of like the story of "The Lake House," but without the creepy love interest or Keanu Reeves. The guy was in the army or something, and sent me a map of Diamond Bar. I don't know if I ever sent him a thank you note. I wonder if he's still alive.

Anyway. Go see "Superman." It was good.

BurgandySkies said...

The only place I seem to get the 6 degrees of seperation is on MySpace - which I suppose isn't very surprising. My best friend from high school pointed me to my first boyfriend's MySpace, but eleven years later - he still doesn't answer my emails. Figures.