
The Photo Project That Will Not End

In late 2004 I decided I wanted to have a showing of my photographic work, but no real cohesive theme to pull it all together. One day the song 88 Lines about 44 Women came on the radio and suddenly I had a theme: I'd illustrate the song through portraits of the 44 women. Perfect!

In April of 2005 I finally started shooting it. I got lucky that my shameless friends readily volunteered to model, and brought me more local talent from their theater groups. Everyone agreed to pose for the free pictures. I had good momentum going, shooting anywhere from 3 to 5 girls a week. I even traveled through Reno, Seattle and San Francisco (all in one weekend!) to keep it authentic. I promised my models (or, as I affectionately refer to them, my whores) the show would be up by the end of August and they could all have their pictures then.

I already wrote about what happened in August:
I got fed up.

So now it's May 2006. It's been well over a year since I came up with the concept and put it in motion. I'm so very close to being done that I can taste it, but something is holding me back. I only have 6 "vignettes" left to shoot. But I'm 9 months past my deadline. With 6 ideas still left to pull out of my ass and make "fit." And the longer I stare at what I already have, the more inclined I am to make more changes, giving myself even more work.

This has to stop. I need inspiration. I need focus. I need more whores.

I need a swift kick in the ass.

But mostly, whores.


exile said...

whores are easy to find, just look on craig's list

hell, if you let them keep the professional style photos for their portfolio most of them will jump through their asses to help (but not all).

so how can we see what you've got so far?

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

You can't. I'm not putting any of them up until I have it all finished.

Otherwise it would be like feeding you a song one note at a time: frustrating and nonsensical.

Christopher Edwards said...

You should come up to Canada. Lots of whores here.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I actually don't really need whores. I haven't had a real problem filling any of the slots, in fact I've had to turn people away.

What I need, truly and honestly, is the motivation to just get the damn thing done.

exile said...

i could kick your ass, if you'd like

Ghetto Photo Girl said...
