
More Housekeeping

I just doesn't end, does it?

I need an additional layer of protection, even if it is imaginary. It's horrid what a little paranoia will do to you. First, the stalker, then this. I love my job and I loved my life before the birthday week from hell, so it's time for a little distance.

Short of deleting this blog completely, I'm changing my name to an old standby. You may now call me Ghetto Photo Girl.

Hi, nice to meet you.

Please don't refer to me as anything other that, or GPG, from now on. I realize this is a bit of a pain in the ass for those of you who are linked to me and now I'm gonna have to explain who I am all over again when I post to my favorite blogs and whatnot, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Mmm, cookies.

Maybe tomorrow I can post something more interesting than my identity crisis.


exile said...

so all those other things i was calling you will still work, right?

you may want to mention to everyone to change their links too

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Hey Exile, change your link! ;)