
Training Week #2, Part 2: The Pain

I gave up drinking when I started marathon training. Not even consciously, but the other day my dad asked me if I wanted a glass of wine, and I decided I shouldn't. Not while I'm in training. Problems arise when tequila comes into play, though. We all know how I greatly enjoy my tequila, and will take any opportunity--large or small--to savor it.

Lucky me, there's a tequila tasting at Republic tonight.

It's like the universe is mocking me. But I will remain strong. I will not give in to the urge to use my corporate powers to finagle myself an invite. No matter how badly I want to do it.

And that, my friends, is willpower.


Christopher Edwards said...

Hi there! I was reading random blogs and thought I'd say hi.

I started training for a 10K and I know what you mean by giving up alcohol.. by accident. This has been my last year of University and drinking was a large part of it.. but I'm done now and suddenly I'm living a more healthy life (where did that come from?)

Anyway good luck on your marathon!