
CHG Confessions #3

The CHG was a naughty little girl today. Without telling a single soul what mischief she was up to, the CHG underwent hair surgery.

12 full inches. Gone. What used to nearly graze her ass now barely sweeps her shoulders.

It's kind of a 5th season Carrie Bradshaw look, minus the blonde highlights:

Mama & Papa CHG were the first to see. They liked. But the look of shock on the people more used to the mermaid look is going to be muchly fantastic.

Ha ha HA!!


Anonymous said...

holy cow!!!!!!!!!!

i can't believe you did it, did you cry, you love your long hair!

are you really a vagina head now?

good thing i checked this site, cuz i was like what the fuck is she talking about in your bulletin, i thought you were on crack, and now that i read your blog, i know you were on crack,

love you, can't wait to see it.

Anonymous said...

Yay to hair changes! So cool. Can't wait to get a viewin'!

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

It's been a week and I'm still causing a commotion everywhere I go. People do double takes and then are just all "wow!"

And none of the boys have even seen it yet. It's like my birthday attention came early this year!!