
Overheard in the Family #10

I had dinner with my parents tonight, which is always a nice treat. There was much Pinot Grigio, so we were all a little loopy.

The conversation turned to the pictures I'd shot of them at my aunt and uncle's anniversary party last month. My mom really liked them, but my father had a different reaction:

Dad: My face looked really wide.

GPG: Dad, when you squeeze three dimensions into two dimensions, you flatten out. That's why they say that the camera adds ten pounds.

Dad: I looked fat.

GPG: When did you get so vain??? My god, did you grow a vagina too?

Dad: *to Mom* Your daughter is getting dirty.

GPG: I've had a lot to drink.

And then they both laughed. It's good to be a grown up.


LB said...

Last night I asked a married guy on my soccer team if he had a vagina and he squirted water on me. Hmmm...Sorry. ADD.

Cowboy said...

I like that theory about 2 dimensions. Men grow vaginas if they stop eating meat and watching football. Proven fact. Go Packers *burp *

Ghetto Photo Girl said...


DrinkJack said...

With photoshop you could make him thin for $20 :)


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Is that $20 a wager on tonight's game?

BurgandySkies said...

Thanks for explaining the 3D/2D thing. It kept me from swearing off food for a month after the proof sheet came back from my weekend photo shoot. My photographer has promised me wonderful photoshop magic will be worked on the final photos though, so hopefully that will help. I'm not really expected miracles, though.

DrinkJack said...


(( I suck ))

Alexandra Scarborough (Sasha) said...

It is great when your folks finally start seeing you as a peer. It's pretty nifty when I go home for a visit and Dad's like, "Want a Rolling Rock?" That would have never have happened in my 20s.