
Time for a Second Opinion

I got some bad news from the doctor the other day. My liver is compromised. That's not fun.

It's not past the tipping point, but inheriting bad genes is not helping.

And the kicker? It was probably caused by the
drugs he put me on. File that under Supremely Fucked Up.

Spanky doesn't handle medical malpractice, but he suggested someone who does. I'm not convinced there's a case here, but it's comforting that my friends are attempting to help the best way they know how.

The upside? Ceasing to drink probably would not help this condition. Wouldn't hurt either, but at least alcohol won't kill me.

At least there's a silver fucking lining.

Fucking doctors.


LB said...

My mom is in the middle of a laser eye surgery malpractice suit. It's a bitch. I'm sorry that the dumbass doctor gave you drugs that in turn made your liver go boom. Ugh. I'm pretty sure I'm over medicated and one of these days I'm going to get the superbug and die. hmph.
Well....I'd say go drink...not like it's not going to make it worse!!!

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

LB, email me. Just last night I decided I'm getting my eyes lasered...but I want to hear gory details first!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that, Exxy. How're you feeling?

Mumblemumble said...

Awe, GPG that sucks! Not entirely sure what 'compromised' means, but hope it's not a progressive thing. Do livers repair themselves at all?

Hope you're ok, and glad your alcohol isn't compromised!

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I'm feeling a lot pissed off, but otherwise okay. Dr. Blade, can you tell us if livers repair themselves?

DrinkJack said...

I would offer part of mine, but it would be a toss up on if it would actually help :) Stay strong!

Alexandra Scarborough (Sasha) said...

Milk thistle...it's supposed to do some serious healing for the liver. Check it out.

Quick recovery wishes to you!