
Betting on Celebrities

Who had Heath Ledger in the Celebrity Death Pool? Or, for that matter, Brad Renfro?

My picks usually skew much older. Like Kirk Douglas. Or Elizabeth Taylor. Who knew the trend was going to be boys in their 20s? And how why is Britney still alive?

I had intended to do a death pool of sorts for 2008 a few weeks back. But I got busy. My categories were going to be along the lines of:

- Next underaged/squeaky-clean celebrity to receive DUI: Hilary Duff
- Next celebrity to end up pregnant: Nicki Hilton
- Next serial rehab artist: Mary Kate Olson
- Next Scientology convert: Sarah Silverman (that media whore will do anything for attention)

And so on and so forth. Feel free to make up your own categories and play along in the comments.


LB said...

ooooh!!! I agree on your picks!! Hilary Duff for sure...or her sister...they are both prety crazy. Next one to get prego: Kim Kardashian...oh wait, she doesn't have sex, she just gets peed on. Hmmm...Next one to kick the bucket...Britney fo sho. I mean, seriously, I totally agree...why is she still alive?

Karen said...

Kim Kardashian got peed on?

Ghetto Photo Girl said...


Does it sound like I drank the Kool-Aid if I claim I don't hate her and actually think she's really cute?