
Inspiration Found

Last night I was atttended a charity fundraiser.  The kind with a red carpet and black ties.  These types of events in the middle of the week always strike me as funny.  Don't normal people have to work?  I certainly do.

But I found myself sitting next to a husband-wife team of photographers.  So successful in their endeavors that they were honored with an award during the ceremony.  Yet, they were the most unassuming, down to earth people you can imagine.

We chatted about our work and I lamented the fact that my personal albatross was the current 44 women.  And that it had been three full years since I started it.  The wife told me that these things can last 10 years, but the important part was in the process.  And that once it was done, she had a friend with a gallery where I should hold my show.

They were truly the awesomest people I met all night. 

She's inspired to shoot again.  It's always great when you can talk shop with people who get it.  And she was no amateur.  Her credentials include the Los Angeles Times and Washington Post.  So for her to take an interest in little ol' me was like a dream come true.

Who knows, you might get another photo blog out of me just yet!


BurgandySkies said...

I volunteer for modeling! =)