
Signs of the Apocalypse

The writers strike is on. Coffee drinkers beware.

I just bought raspberries. Five bucks for a handful.

The price of gas is climbing in leaps and bounds.

So the California economy is going to take a dump because an entire industry is about to grind to a halt. Food is becoming prohibitively expensive to get to market because the gas in the trucks is too fucking high.

We can't eat. We can't drive. We can't be entertained.

And the holidays are just around the corner.



LB said...

All you Californians better not think that moving north to Oregon is the solution...we already have enough of your bad driving kind up here!! AHHHH!! Just kidding...but seriously...over $3 for gas?? And you guys have to pump it yourselves...at least here we have slaves to do it for us. I mean Gas attendants. yes, that's what I meant.

Captain Chipmunk said...

I'm playing 8 nights in a row for a show in Malibu. I figure I'll put close to 2000 miles on the car this week commuting from Palmdale...and I can't afford berries anymore!!


Ghetto Photo Girl said...

LB: Oregon is very pretty...

Capt C: Why did it take me until NOW to figure out that you're my wonderful JTS? Geez Louise...well, I hope you're making more money playing than it's costing you to drive out there. Why not just stay in Malibu for the week?

Captain Chipmunk said...

Sorry for the confusion! Started blogging myself and realized that no one knew who I was when I commented. :) Glad you figured it out, and yes I'm making enough to pay for gas, but still not worth the years of practicing...and certainly not enough to pay for a room in the 'bu.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Well then, I guess we have to add you to The Harem!

DrinkJack said...

You eat fruit? Are you sure? I thought you were a bloody steak kind-of lady :)

I am thinking that the writers are right. They should get a piece of the internet pie. Plus, I like to see a shake up in the fall schedule. Makes me appreciate college hoops more :)