
Call Me Wonder Woman

In the middle of this massive packing project--who knew how much shit you can amass in six years?!--I've found time to do many other things:

1. List 22 items on ebay
2. Rent a lighting set up
3. Get yelled at by a fake judge for her fake problems
4. Break up with my boyfriend
5. Buy a new camera
6. Shoot a slew of family portraits
7. Celebrate Xmas with my coworkers
8. Flirt with an adorable gun-toting fed
9. Return new camera
10. Flirt with an architect
11. Enjoy a piƱa colada
12. Flirt with several newly-minted lawyers
13. Knit a purple scarf
14. Buy makeup and new clothes for myself
15. Flirt with some veteran lawyers...and a judge
16. Shop for shoes...and purses...and jewelry...and more clothes

And that was just in the last week. I'm so fucking productive. I should reward myself with sex and scotch. Oh wait, I did that too!

La dee da. I'm pretty satisfied with myself.


Karen said...

So wait....did you give him the jacket?

Sorry to hear...breakups are never fun.

Dan said...

No wonder you didn't have time for lunch.

Captain Chipmunk said...

Let's hear it for sex & scotch!

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Karen: NOOOOOOOO he did not get the jacket. That was supposed to be for Xmas. So Bluefly gets a return instead.

Dan: pretty much.

Capt: right?

Karen said...

Well I hope the twatwaffle realizes he lost out on a great girl AND a great jacket!

Captain Chipmunk said...


Anonymous said...

Yah boo to #4. Sorry to hear that. I'm with Karen.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Thanks, FB. But we're not going to dwell on it. Lets celebrate the positive! Like the sex and the scotch!!

neil said...

If anyone will be fine...its you. His loss. Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Yay for S&S, then, Exxy!

DrinkJack said...

You forgot to mention the sex. Lucky bastard.