
Pulling Back the Curtain

I met one of my readers last night, Dan of a blog I can't link to because you wouldn't be able to read it. But that's okay.

Dan's assessment of me, if I understand correctly, is that I come off a lot sassier and with an edge here at Exxy HQ that I don't necessarily display in public. He did actually say that I'm a lot friendlier in person than in print.

I found that interesting. My explanation is that I use this as my forum to vent almost completely uncensored and my inner thoughts, when woven into what I hope is more entertaining than plain garbage thrown out on the internets, come out a bit more bitingly than what I might vocalize in person.

So lets take a poll:
- For those of you who know me, am I indeed what Dan proclaims: nicer in person?
- For those of you who only know my online persona: what do you imagine me to be like in person?

I'm really curious about what y'all have to say about this...


neil said...

In person, I’d imagine you’d be a very confident, whip smart, slightly sassy/outspoken girl with a great smile and a pretty wicked sense of humour who’s more often than not the center of attention when out with a group (on merit of course!). You’ve probably got a really good aura about you…which draws people to you and makes them want to stick around (you know how to have fun!)…but you’re also probably (and I mean this in the nicest possible way) quick to ‘move on’ if someone isn’t holding your interest…or call someone out if they try to say/do something stupid…in other words, you don’t take shit and people know it (or find out pretty quickly). But deep down...you're just a sweet girl...so I'm not surprised that you came off 'nicer' in person.

Anyway, I think, at first, I’d probably be a little intimidated by you as I can be pretty shy sometimes…but if you caught me on a good day and we were out having a few drinks, by the end of the night I’m pretty sure I’d be telling you how ‘great’ it was to meet you...and mean it.

I like you’re online persona…and I’m pretty sure I’d like you in real life too…

Anonymous said...

I imagine you to be sassy and sarcastic, no tolerance for stupid people, likes to bust balls, and I bet we'd get along great. :)

Alexandra Scarborough (Sasha) said...

Well, since I know you both ways...I'd have to say, "Sassy in print, sassy in person, but absolutely awesome, brilliant and lovable in both incarnations." :)

Karen said...

I imagine you to be....real.

Captain Chipmunk said...

You do come off edgier online than in person, but I think you hit the nail on the head - the online you is less censored. If you were a scotch, your blog would be cask strength.

But what do I know....

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Aw, you guys are all so sweet.

Capt: cask strength? Wow...

Cowboy said...

I've met you before in person, you just didn't know it was me. And that's how I wanted it to be. Mwu-ha ha ha. You were really flirty with me, but I just played dumb. That's my move. I play dumb when, in reality, I actually am dumb. Like this comment. It's dum.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Jay, you have an active imagination.