
Legal Tethers

On July 1st, the law in California changed.  Upon penalty of death and/or imprisonment in the black hole of Gitmo, you can no longer talk with a phone to your head while driving.  You CAN dial and/or text with the phone in your hand while driving, thereby taking your eyes off the road, but you CANNOT watch the road and have the phone to your head at the same time.

Lawyers write these things...

I have a bluetooth headset.  It sucks.  So I went looking for a corded solution.

The first place I went to was Radio Shack.  The sales guy was clearly enjoying the benefits of required sales, and his eyes lit up when I said I needed an earpiece for my Blackberry.  Because now he could upsell me on all sorts of gadgets, I'm sure.  Imagine his disappointment when I told him I already had one.  He then turned sullen--like a child, with a pout and all--and told me they were sold out of the others.  Then he stopped talking to me and stomped away.

I kid you not.  He threw a tantrum because I didn't want a wireless earpiece.  It was amazing.