
Reunited and It Feel So Good

The reunion was fucking awesome. And now, for the first time in a bazillion years, I am hungover.

But the party was worth it. Moments after walking in the door, someone across the room started screaming my name. And in a scene that would repeat itself hundreds of times throughout the night, I screamed hello back, then wondered who the hell it was.

It was dark. We were outside. With mood lighting. And alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol. $8 for a mixed drink. Served in a beer stein-sized cup. I had three Maker's Mark with diet cokes. Which, given the serving, means I had 18.

There was booby-grabbing, kissy facing, catching up with people I wouldn't have recognized if not for our handy name tags, and did I mention alcohol? Holy shit, my head hurts.

It was interesting to see who was married (usually with kids) and who was still single. Luckily, the cute guys were still mostly single. Like the Fireman, who walked in proclaiming he was on the hunt for pussy. Klassy (and explains his single status). He came with the Lawyer. Who, after all these years, is still very sweet and adorable and hopefully in town long enough to have dinner.

I recognized the Foreigner immediately, despite not even having thought about the man in 10 years. We weren't really friends back then. But he's even more swoon-inducing now than he was all those years ago. I love a man with scruff and an accent. They make for hot model-whores.

Of course I had to deal with questions about what I'm doing these days. Which I answered graciously:

"Oh, I lost my job last month so I'm living on welfare." (I like being uncomfortably ironic. Remember, the last time these people saw me, I was on my way to UPenn. I've fallen a long way down. Hee.)

[Cue them wincing and/or cringing]. "Oh man, that sucks."

"Not really. I got a severance. And I'm a freelance photographer."

"Oh okay. What do you shoot?"


"Dude, that's totally fucking cool."

Yup. I am.

(Amazingly, one of these conversations did lead to someone telling me about an event planning gig open at their company. I'll send her my résumé tomorrow!)

The night ended with many exchanges of phone numbers, myspace addresses, and promises to hook up soon. Ooh, the Foreigner just emailed me!

Looks like we're doing dinner this week. Oh yeah.

Now, I think I need saltines...


Sandra said...

Is shooting bands not a bit mean? Or illegal?

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Yeah, but they like it.

DrinkJack said...

You had my heart wrapped with the Maker's Mark, then you crushed it like bug on your windshield at 80 mph when you mentioned Diet Coke mixing....

But at least you may get post-reunion fun with the Foreigner.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Sweetie, I'm not man enough to handle my whisky sans diet coke. That's all you.

David N. Scott said...

Hey, sounds like fun. And a bit weird. But hey--maybe it's a regional thingie.

BurgandySkies said...

That's awesome. My reunion is in 2 months. David's trying to avoid going.

Help me talk him into thinking it's cool. ;)

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

DNS: why weird???

BS: you will absolutely have a wonderful time. The drama (if there ever was any) is nonexistent. Everyone is just happy to show themselves off and find out where everyone else is in their lives.

Or, you could always go without him. Just take pictures! Lots of people showed up without their spouses but brought pics of the family. Which isn't the same thing, but still.

Definitely go! You've been reliving memories of your teenage years, so now's the perfect time to play catch up with all your old classmates.

Anonymous said...

Oh Saturday night was so much fun, even if you and the 10 will forever have a relationship. thank you for not getting any in the car, hope you are feeling better.

Sandra said...

I can't think of anything I'd like to do less, but I am so glad that you had a kicking good time.

SkookumJoe said...

most of my school freinds were stoners and misfits because they were the only people I could stand. Most of them didn't graduate so a reunion for me would be a gathering of all the people I hated then.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I am sad for you.

SkookumJoe said...

I am, however, still friends with all the stoners and misfits who are now interesting, well-adjusted, contented people with families and cool jobs - so there's no need for a reunion. Do not be sad.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

I am not sad now.

Anonymous said...

I missed out on all the fun! I didn't know we would have nametags...otherwise I would have come. Actually, got called for a gig that night with a new contractor...can't turn those down.

The littlest Princess said...

yeah we had nametags that only made the BOP festivites more festive

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

That's okay, JTS. You trumpet players can make it up to us at the 20th. We'll need entertainment.

Festive, indeed!

exile said...

"Ooh, the Foreigner just emailed me! Now, I think I need saltines..."

do i need to even say anything about this one?

(you naughty girl)

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Nice edit there, Boy Scout.