
July by the Numbers

What started as a month of me at the very top of my game now finds me trying to figure out what the fuck I'm going to do next. But it actually isn't so bad...yet. If I'm still here next month, I'll be singing a different tune.

And now, the stats:

20.3 miles run
1 semi-reunion at The Park for Ry's bday
5.5 days spent loving rocker boys in Texas
18.50 dollars per shot of tequila
3 shots ordered
92 dollars for that dinner eaten solo
2 hours spent in line for Last Comic Standing
103 degrees in the shade in Pasadena
40 minutes until you see my face on tv in that episode
2.5 seconds of screen time
2 lovely meals spent with the visiting C-Dub

87 gagillion pieces of sushi eaten in one sitting
359 pictures taken at a one-year-old's birthday part
95 attendees for said one-year-old's party
107 degree temperature in the Valley on that day
7 o'clock when the power (and with it, the AC) gave out

71 pictures shot of my baby brother
3 outfit changes for said shoot
2 days spent amassing bug bites
5 reasons for moisture loss
3 high school boys fatally shot in my neighborhood
1 worried phone call from my dad after he heard the news report
5 minutes spent assuring him I'm okay
10 days spent unemployed
2 interviews spent charming the pants off hiring managers
4 female interviewers foiling my H. Wood-supported plan to utilize the ta-tas to their full extent
3 games of pool played
2.25 dollars total paid for those games
1 supremely misguided and irritatingly obtuse Scotsman trying to figure out his pickup lines
1 German Indian who knew better
1 Irishman who won the pot by playing the blues guitar and generally being as adorable as a puppy...on Scotch
20 blogs posted


exile said...

fiendish females foiling "funback" fun in fours

what bitches

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

But if I do get one of those jobs, I'll know it was because of my talent and not my tits!

The littlest Princess said...

If you do get those jobs because of your talent and not your tits then we'll have to find a good use for your tits hehehehehe :)

exile said...

uses for tits, that's a blog post waiting to happen

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Go write it.