
Show Your Love

I love Valentine's Day. I really do. What the anti-V day cynics fail to realize is that there are a million different types of love. It's not just about the romantic and it's not just about the one day.

But just like Xmas isn't the only time we should look out for our fellow man, it does tend to culminate into one huge annual celebration anyway. And thus, V-day does too.

And because it's been a while since the Queen of Lists (tm
Jeen Yes) made one, here's a list of things I love (in no real order):

- My girls. Unequivocally, no one is better than my 3 girlfriends who are never backstabby, jealous, or insecure. Real women is what they are.

- My boobies. They're truly awesome. No lie.

- A double shot of chilled aƱejo. No salt, no lime, no window dressing bullshit. Just cold, gold and nummy.

- The Boys. If only because musicians always get me in the right-there place. They're walking entertainment. And pretty to look at.

- Especially the curly haired boy, who has willed me his "Rock & Roll Saves Lives" t-shirt. Now that's love.

- La familia. They're the bestest. Like the little girls who want to be just like me. I'm building an army of
Mexirican Mini GPGs. And we're going to take over the world.

- Los Angeles. For all its many faults, it is home. And has my heart. All over its twisty canyon roads.

- In the same vein, Mulholland Drive. Especially at night, with the city glittering below. There is no better view than from the top of those foothills. It's another world onto itself.

- Weekends in the Mojave
ghost towns . The rich history of the place is almost tangible. I should really get out there sometime this spring.

- The color red. Everywhere. Like lipstick. And shoes.

- Kissing. With the right set of lips, it's magical. Especially that first kiss. Full of anticipation and potential. I get weak in the knees just thinking about it.

- Oh, and flirting! It's a sport. All it takes is a smile. And it's game on.

- Being a total girl. There's just no other way to be.

- The fact that you all continue to read this, day in and day out. You realize you're just feeding my already grossly overinflated megalomania, right?


The littlest Princess said...

and just so you know your girls love you too. Well I guess I shouldn't speak for everyone because who knows that the other two really think ;) (hee hee Just kidding LaRia and KM) But you know I love ya :) Happy valentines day sweetie.

Will said...

there's nothing not to love about girls, boobs and robots.

Ghetto Photo Girl said...

Princess: Kisses!

Will: Look who's back! Well kisses to you too!

Anonymous said...

i luv ya too, happy v-day, sorry so late in wishing you one, we were up all night with our tiny one she has an ear infection and had to take her to doc. today.

Jeen Yes said...

thanks for using the TM, now you won't be sued. or shot. happy VD. i mean v-day. :)

Cowboy said...

Nummy - an adjective worthy of a Valentine's post.

"The city of angels, lonely as I am, together we cry." AK

BurgandySkies said...

OMG! I will never forget the first (and last) time we drove Mulholland Drive (which was totally by accident). The drive was SO scary, but then we came around a corner and BAM! one of the most wonderful views I've ever seen.

Good Call!

Anonymous said...

wot r u ll tkin abou??? get a life!

Anonymous said...

Id hate to b losers like ye seriously txtin on d net ha ha ha ha ha